One-Layer Simplicity Challenge #7: Wave the Flag

Aust flag inspired Heather Telford

I am hosting the July challenge at One Layer Simplicity. In honour of Canada Day (July 1st) and American Independence Day (July 4th) I decided to make the challenge about flags.  I want you to take a look at your country’s flag and find some inspiration there. It could be the colours, the layout, the patterns or the images. I created two cards because I have lived my life in two countries. I was born and raised in Australia and lived there for the first 35 years of my life. I married my Australian husband and both my daughters were born there. When they were 4 & 6 our family moved to Canada and seven weeks after we arrived my son was born. We have lived here ever since which will be 14 years next month. The card above is inspired by the Southern Cross on the Australian flag. I miss seeing the Southern Cross when I look up into the sky at night.

Flag_of_Australia.        canada

I cut a card base from watercolour paper as I planned to make it quite wet with distress stains and water. To frame the stars I tore the edge off some masking tape and taped the card base to a cutting mat. Once taped I stamped stars of different sizes and the sentiment in versamark then embossed with clear powder.  I swiped three blue distress stains across the watercolour paper filling the whole space with colour. To blend it I spritzed a generous amount of water mixed with pearl-ex powder. You can see the sparkle of the pearl-ex powder below. After the panel had dried a little I stamped some more stars, this time in blue inks. When dry I removed the tape and ironed the panel embossed side down onto computer paper to melt and remove the embossing.

aus flag inspired detail Heather Telford


My second card is inspired by both the colour and the image on the Canadian flag. The beauty of the maple trees in autumn is something I look forward to every year. To create my second card I used the torn off bits of masking tape to make a narrow torn frame around the square front below. I then sponged red ink around the borders and stamped a maple leaf several times over the sponging.  I can’t wait to check out your flag inspired cards and see how many countries end up being represented in our challenge

Canadian flag inspired Heather Telford



Stamps:  Hello Winter , Sweet Wishes, To You, Foliage Fancy, Maple Leaf (PB)
Inks: Versamark (Tsukineko) Chipped Sapphire, Tumbled Glass,  Broken China Distress Stains  and  Chipped Sapphire, Salty Ocean and Fired Brick distress inks (Ranger) 
Cardstock:  Fabriano 100% cotton hot pressed watercolour paper
Also: clear embossing powder, Pearl Ex

Another Autumn Leaf

The challenge at Less is More this week is to follow an autumn theme. The autumn colours around here have been wonderful this year so I tried to replicate them in my card.

I sponged a selection of colours over an area the same size as my leaf stamp then inked the leaf with versamark and stamped it over the sponging. After embossing in clear I brayered the whole panel with dark brown. I like the fact that there are “embossing powder splatters” even though they weren’t intentional. I inked the sentiment with a few of the sponging colours to continue the theme.

Thanks for dropping by.


Stamps: Maple Leaf, Thinking of You (Penny Black)
Inks:  Memento Peanut Brittle, Morocco,Pear Tart, Tangelo, Versafine Vintage Sepia  & Versamark (Tsukineko)
Cardstock: Penny Black Mix & Match Papers Fall Festival
Also: Clear e.p.

Maple Leaf panel

This card could very easily be a one layer card but I created the leaf panel on a strip of white card stock then attached it. When I am making one layer cards there are usually a bunch of strips cut off the ones that didn’t work which are exactly the right length to make a panel like this one. I first stamped pale leaf images in three colours by stamping off on a piece of scrap before stamping on the panel. Then I sponged in three colours before stamping the leaves again and adding the sentiment.

The number of gratitude cards is growing.

Cards made for Gratitude challenge: 6
Cards mailed for Gratitude challenge: 1 (Woohoo, I made a start!)


Stamps: Maple Leaf,  So Blessed (Penny Black)
Inks:  Memento Rich Cocoa, Rhubarb Stalk, Morocco, Versafine Vintage Sepia (Tsukineko)

Autumn Leaf

Once again I have combined the One Layer Wednesday challenge with the Less is More challenge. Cheryl challenged us on Wednesday to make an Autumn themed card featuring what we love about the season. For me it is the colours of the leaves. My favourite season is summer but the beautiful colours of fall help me cope with summer’s departure.

The challenge at Less is More today is to incorporate an oval into your card. It only took me three attempts to get my card the way I envisioned it! I stamped the leaf first then positioned an oval mask over it and restamped it and added more colour both on the stamp and by painting on some ink picked up from the stamp pad lid with a small paintbrush and some water. Before lifting the mask again I sponged and restamped the leaf.

I realize that I did a leaf card last week for OLW and Less is More. The layout is identical. Sorry to be so repetitive. The leaves are turning here and so my mind turns to leaf images!

( I finally posted some pics of my daughter at the National Track & Field championships on my other blog)


Stamps: Maple Leaf, …Wishes (Penny Black)
Inks:  Memento Rich Cocoa, Rhubarb Stalk, Morocco (Tsukineko)