Winter Weather

Winter Weather 1 Heather Telford

Remember back in December when I kept mentioning the lack of snow around here? There wasn’t just a lack of snow there  was really no winter weather at all. Well, that is over; we have snow, ice and it’s cold outside! The winter weather has inspired me to create some snowy scenes.

Winter Weather 2 Heather Telford

I stamped and painted these two winter scenes beginning both times with a splatter of masking fluid to create the look of falling snow. Once the masking fluid was dry I stamped the large tree trunk stamp, ‘Soft Whisper’ in brown and then added some more masking fluid on the top of the branches (on the snowier card) and added extra definition to the branches and trunk with light brown, dark brown and black paint.

 Winter weather detail Heather Telford

On one card I stamped the trees in green distress stain on the other I painted trees in brown brusho. It was interesting to limit my colour palette to brown and  blue for one card and the additional green on the other card. I added the sky and snow banks after the branches so there is some bleeding of brown into blue here and there.

Winter Weather detail Heather Telford

I was interested to read the comments on my recent gelli plate post; I will be trying the different techniques described when I get a chance. I am also hoping to share more art journal pages this year including the one I started yesterday.

Stamps:  Soft Whisper, Nature’s friend (PB)
Inks: Black Soot, Gathered Twigs, Forest Moss, Broken China distress inks and stains (Ranger)
Paint: Colourcraft Brusho
Cardstock: Canson 100% cotton hot pressed watercolour paper
Also: Winsor & Newton masking fluid

11 Comments on “Winter Weather”

  1. cmt says:

    This is the way I like to enjoy winter–looking at lovely pictures of it. Happier staying inside than venturing out in it. You did a terrific job. I’m always amazed by what you can do with rubber stamps. Such a handy way to achieve a picture that looks totally one of a kind. The way you achieved the snow, both on the ground and floating in the air, displays such talent.

    • Heather says:

      Thank you for your kind words. This week I was working at home so much that when I did venture out I was shocked by how freezing it was; it really did look beautiful from inside!

  2. cherylkjohnson says:

    What a beautifully done card. It doesn’t even look like you used the marvelous stamps from Pennt Black. I tip my bonnet to you!

  3. memalagene says:

    Awesome snow scenes! I especially love the one with mostly browns & blue!

  4. Clelie says:

    Wow!…these are beautiful! They perfectly convey the feel of a frigid, crisp, snowy world! I am always amazed how you portray not only the scenes but capture the senses, as well! I love the colors and even the “bleed through”…Gorgeous! 🙂

  5. Pat says:

    Your snow scenes are always amazing Heather and these two are no exception, just gorgeous! x

  6. carol / creatingincolors says:

    They are beautiful portraits of the beauty of winter!

  7. These are beautiful! So much inky depth! xxx

  8. Sandy Dehon says:

    Beautiful – I love what you have done and the colors you used. Stunning!
    Sandy xx

  9. I always look forward to your snow scenes. Thank you for sharing your talent and “warming” my courage to try new things.

  10. […] scenery for you today because, let’s face it, a snowy landscape can be so very pretty. On the snow scapes I posted last week I let the sky and trees blend a little; today’s technique is a little […]

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