
Flower lanterns is a new brushstroke stamp from Penny Black. I happen to have some dried flower lanterns in my craft room so I was able to keep my colours fairly accurate on this one. I love how delicate they look and enjoy the fact that most of my dried ones have kept their shape and colour for a few years now.

I painted these with the help of a stamp positioner to enable me to build up colour one step at a time. I started by stamping the flower heads in wild honey distress ink applied with a marker. This gave me a pale print of all the lanterns as a base for stamping and painting more colour. I continued to use distress markers to add spiced marmalade and rusty hinge ink. I stamped sections then blended with a damp brush slowly but surely adding colour until the lanterns took form. I switched to forest moss distress marker for the stems and leaves and also drew some veins onto the lanterns.

I finished with some splatter of forest moss ink over the panel and a rust coloured mat to frame it.


Stamp: flower lantern
Inks: wild honey, spiced marmalade, rusty hinge, forest moss distress markers
Paper: hot pressed watercolour paper, rust cardstock

8 Comments on “Lanterns”

  1. This is so beautiful! xxx

  2. Rosie says:

    Thanks for this, Heather. It’s given me real inspiration to try something similar.

  3. Lois says:

    My “Lanterns” are just beginning to form in my garden. Looking forward to the fall. Your card is beautiful.

  4. bonnielynnh says:

    Beautiful card. Thanks for the tips on how to build up depth and color

  5. Debbie Lahaise says:

    lovely card and colouring

  6. Heidi says:

    Absolutely gorgeous!

  7. Karen Jackson says:

    Wonderful,natural colouring. Lovely card.

  8. Daria says:

    This is so beautiful! Your painting/shading is perfection. I just received this image today; I’ll be using your card as a guide. TFS. Daria

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