Sunset Tree

Sunset Tree Heather Telford

Last week Penny Black released the Winter Romance collection of stamps and dies. I went for a romantic sunset look on today’s card and used the new tree from the transparent set ‘Joy to All’. (At the same time I stamped the tree on several different panels and used different colouring techniques so you will be seeing it again before too long.)

I began with a panel splattered with masking fluid taped to a board to prevent it from warping once it got wet. I stamped the tree stamp with brown ink then, when it was dry, painted some masking fluid above some of the branches where snow would accumulate. I used pink and blue distress stains to paint both the sky and snow drifts then stamped the trees on the horizon while the sky was still wet so they would be look soft and distant. Some of the brown ink did bleed into the sky as I painted which doesn’t bother me but if you wanted to prevent that you could stamp the tree with pigment ink .


Stamps:  Joy to All, Season’s gifts  (PB)
Inks: Tumbled Glass, Worn Lipstick distress stains, Vintage Photo, Stormy sky distress inks (Ranger) Vintage SepiaVersafine ink (Tsukineko)
Cardstock: Canson 100% cotton hot pressed watercolour paper, Kazzazz blue cardstock
Also: Winsor & Newton masking fluid

14 Comments on “Sunset Tree”

  1. Vicki B says:

    This is just lovely! I really do envy your artistic talent for the scenes that you create!

  2. Joyce Burge says:

    Absolutely lovely…I love beautiful sunsets!

  3. cherylquilts says:

    Oh, Heather, you create the most magical winter scenes, and this sunset is just gorgeous! I love the tree and how you’ve added “snow,” and it has a dreamy “Narnia” feel to it! Stunning!! Hugs!

  4. I’m a new follower of your blog via Pinterest. I’m so glad I subscribed! This is beautiful and inspiring!

  5. Micheline Jourdain says:

    My my my…. without word!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

  6. Bonnie says:

    A beautiful scene, Heather! Love that snowy sunset!

  7. Lindsey says:

    The brown from the tree doesn’t seem to be a problem at all! Beautiful sunset sky, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of this winter tree.

  8. Pat says:

    I love this Heather especially that pretty sky with the pink in it and I also the masking fluid placed so that it left the white bits for settled snow on the tree. Beautiful! x

  9. Swh2013 says:

    Beautiful! I want to be you!

  10. Linda Liebermann says:

    Hi Heather I was looking at a few of your part tutorials. There was one about making snow on the branches of bushes using embossing powder and ink. I remember when you did it with the stamp a ma jig, But now you said you use the misti. I just received my misti yesterday and would like to know how you used it to get such a tiny line. Do you move the paper or the stamp? Thanks for your help. Linda

    Oct 28, 2015,

    • Heather says:

      Hi Linda,
      Definitely move the paper. The misti makes it possible to keep your paper snug against the side of the misti ‘wall’ and then you can move it up or down a millimetre really easily.
      The possibilities are endless!

  11. […] I first featured this tree stamp I said I would be back with more designs but then forgot this one was waiting in the wings. I […]

  12. […] once I have done some more experimenting. Sky, background and snow banks were done as described in this post but the black foreground tree was stamped […]

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