Cool tone leaves

Green leaves Heather Telford

As you can see I haven’t put away the Filigree Foliage set. This time I didn’t paint out the filigree pattern as I have on previous cards; I kept it for a more decorative look. These colours reflect what is in my yard right now. There are plenty of yellow leaves floating down but the deep red ones are holding back.

I created this panel in layers starting by wetting the paper and stamping a few green leaves which then blended into the background laying down colour without leaving distinct shapes. When that had dried a little I stamped again in greens and mustard, spritzed some more water and also sprinkled some bister powder. Finally I stamped with water to create a few very pale impressions which picked up some of the bister lying around. I realise some of my stamped images are incomplete, some are distinct, others are blurred which is not everyone’s preference. I like to let the water and inks bleed and blend a little for some unique effects.

I’ll be back soon with some warm toned leaves. Thanks for dropping by.


10 Comments on “Cool tone leaves”

  1. cadidier106 says:

    I love this look! The incomplete “suggestion” of some of the leaves is what makes it so beautiful to me. The colors are also wonderfully mysterious.

  2. Bonnie says:

    I love the variety of clarity in the leaves! It makes them look so realistic! We’re starting to see a bit of yellow and here and there a little orange and deep red. Lots of brown too.

  3. Lindsey says:

    We don’t have a lot of reds in our leaves this year… I wonder if it’s a *thing*? I like how the filigree is still visible this time in some of your leaves. Beautiful colours and layered stamping.

  4. Liz in NH says:

    Beautiful! Looks jjust like leaves in new fallen snow. Just lovely. Thanks Heather, for sharing what you can do so well.

  5. Pat says:

    Such beautiful watercoloured leaves and really lovely colours too Heather. I like that spattering and the bister gives a nice unstructured feel to the background. x

  6. Vicki B says:

    Very unique and I love it!

  7. […] are the warm toned leaves I promised in contrast to the cool toned ones I posted a few days ago. Ottawa is enjoying fabulous colours this year; the yellows appeared first […]

  8. Maureen says:

    Love this cad! Did you use watercolor paper?

  9. Maureen says:

    Oops, I meant card and yes you did:/. Sorry about that.

  10. […] the stamp for its shape not its pattern. To see cards I’ve made in the past with this set click over here, here and […]

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