Speckled Leaf Trails

If this design looks familiar it’s because I posted a couple of similar cards a few weeks back. They featured the same pretty Lavinia stencil, ‘leaf trails’.

The difference between the cards is partly the colours but more significantly today’s cards feature splatter! You know how I feel about splatter. I always say if a project doesn’t seem quite finished, add some splatter.

The panels on these cards were made with alcohol inks on a gel plate. I dropped three or four alcohol inks on the plate along with some isopropyl alcohol to help the inks move and blend. I dropped the leaf trails stencil on top and let the inks dry. Once the ink on the plate was dry I splatted some isopropyl alcohol over the design, waited a minute and lifted the stencil. I used white acrylic paint to pull the print on heavy cardboard then added Taylored Expressions sentiments to complete the cards. This post includes an affiliate link from Foiled Fox. If you buy through these links I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. And remember, if in doubt, add some splatter!

2 Comments on “Speckled Leaf Trails”

  1. Pat says:

    Beautiful colours using your alcohol inks on the gelli plate Heather and the results are stunning, and the spattering finishes them both perfectly. x

  2. Nancy Stislow says:

    I’ve never used alcohol ink on a gelli plate but you definitely inspired me to try! What delightful patterns you achieved with this process and thanks for describing it.

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