Maple Leaf panel

This card could very easily be a one layer card but I created the leaf panel on a strip of white card stock then attached it. When I am making one layer cards there are usually a bunch of strips cut off the ones that didn’t work which are exactly the right length to make a panel like this one. I first stamped pale leaf images in three colours by stamping off on a piece of scrap before stamping on the panel. Then I sponged in three colours before stamping the leaves again and adding the sentiment.

The number of gratitude cards is growing.

Cards made for Gratitude challenge: 6
Cards mailed for Gratitude challenge: 1 (Woohoo, I made a start!)


Stamps: Maple Leaf,  So Blessed (Penny Black)
Inks:  Memento Rich Cocoa, Rhubarb Stalk, Morocco, Versafine Vintage Sepia (Tsukineko)

6 Comments on “Maple Leaf panel”

  1. Marja says:

    GORGEOUS work and gorgeous colors Heather. Marvelous
    Lovel\y greet

  2. Mary H. says:

    Love this card…so pretty and great use of a leftover part. TFS

  3. Marianne Lait says:

    Lovely work Heather, came unable your website by accident and boy what a happy accident. Your work si inspires me. All beautifu!!! Marianne x

  4. Jan Castle says:

    Beautifully done Heather….I soooooo appreciate you explaining how you did it!
    Paper Hugs,

  5. Lindsey says:

    I like it with the panel — and the colours are beautiful!

  6. KatieP says:


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