Hand painted wreath and swag

 Painted wreath Heather Telford

I am back with another wreath and swag today but hand painted this time. The stamped ones were a good warm up for getting the fullness and balance right. I began the wreath by tracing a circle onto the watercolour paper which had masking fluid splattered on it. The pencil line was a guide for me which ended up being painted over  by the time I had finished. I painted a soft circle of blue paint first and while it was still damp I painted some green needles and brown pine cones shapes which ended up as soft muted shapes because it was wet into wet painting. I let the panel dry before adding more needles, some holly, berries and definition on the pine cones. I kept painting elements until the wreath shape looked full and even, added some fine green paint splatter then removed the masking fluid to reveal some tiny white spots.

Painted swag Heather Telford

The technique for the swag was similar but instead of painting pine cones in a two tones of brown I did roses in two tones of pink. You can see the soft shadow shapes under the wreath that were painted while the blue background paint was still wet. I decided to keep these two cards flat with mats but no bows. Thanks for your kind comments yesterday on the stamped wreath and swag; I’d love to hear if you gave the technique a try by pulling out some pine needle and pinecone stamps from your own stash or if you tried painting one.

Cardstock: Fabriano 100% cotton cold pressed watercolour paper, dark green card stock, gold card stock
Also:Water colour with Sakura Koi watercolours, Winsor & Newton masking fluid

14 Comments on “Hand painted wreath and swag”

  1. Carol / creatingincolors says:

    Oh WOW! Both are gorgeous.

  2. Pat says:

    These are beautifully done Heather and I might give this a try myself to see if I can get something at least a little like yours but these are gorgeous! x

  3. I always am excited when I see your notices come through. Love your style, and superb results. Very inspirational. Still waiting for a you tube! You would be an instant success!

  4. homeatlast says:

    I am one of your biggest fans, Heather! You have opened up my world to watercoloring for cardmaking! Your work is absolutely breathtaking! Donna Kane

  5. thepaperbaker says:

    Absolutely Stunning!!!

  6. Bahb says:

    Besides the fabulous painting, the frame blows my socks off …….whatever made you choose those colors? PERFECT! Just so inspired.

  7. Sandy Dehon says:

    Beautifully done!

  8. Dewi Lam says:

    OMG heather, thats so clever! mimi told me to look at your blog immediately after i opened my eyes yesterday, and your card made me cannot sleep, thinking how beautiful is the wreath. I am not good in drawing, i should give this a try, following your step by step instruction. I hope mimi (micheline jourdain) has tried too!

  9. Wow, Heather! Hand painted wreath and pine cones. Just WOW! I stared at this for quite some time trying to take it all in. Your work is amazing and a joy to see!

  10. Lindsey says:

    Even more beautiful than yesterday’s!

  11. Connie Schulz says:

    Love it Heather! Better than the stamped version which was also nice.

  12. Liz in NH says:

    Heather, love these, and tried your techniques. Got a lovely wreath and swag with the blue background, but none of the airiness of yours. So- not there yet, but on the path.
    Thanks for the inspiration and guidance always!

  13. Julie Blake says:

    Your cards are beautiful. I would be happy with the talent you have in your little finger!!
    Thank you for sharing your gifts. Julie

  14. Godelieve says:

    So beautiful! Love the wreath especially.

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